Ordering Information
How to order from Irish Hearth Soaps.
*Privacy Statement and Policies For check/money order and credit card. You will be contacted with order total and address to send payment - or submit your credit card information through our secure server! We do all the calculations! Please note that your credit card statement bill will show as The Scent Shack (our new parent company).
2. Print and Mail Order form for check /money
order or credit card .
3. Call to place an order Monday - Friday 10am to 5:00pm EST, (630)
Now also taking E-Gold and Ebullion!
Lori Kimble
A made in the USA quality
Web page design created by Lori
Kimble All content, graphics and ideas are property of Irish Hearth
Soaps and may not be copied, downloaded or otherwise used without express
permission. C. 1998-2006
Statement: Irish Hearth Soaps has never/nor will ever disclose any customer
information to other companies. The information given by you is kept
strictly confidential and for Irish Hearth Soaps' use only.